Call for Papers



Technology Education: Across the Boundaries


Technology, design, and STEM across the boundaries of:

  • Early years to year 12 learner development
  • Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary, industry training, and university
  • Research and practice
  • Science, Engineering, Art, Maths, Music, language development, Performing Arts, Philosophy, Cognitive sciences and more.


We seek participants (whether presenters or engaged delegates) who want to share and test ideas at the DATTArc2020 Research Conference for how Technology and Design Education facilitates and leads cross-curriculum learning and development: how the field is best taught to foster capabilities in applied synthesis through creative and developmentally informed strategies.


We also seek papers that highlight one or more of the follwing research priorities:

1.  Developmental Research in Technology Education: early years to year 12/13
  • Cognitive, social and psychomotor learning development with respect to understanding various aspect of Technology Education generally and uniquely within genres of technology.

2. Pedagogy Research in Technology Education

  • Effective teaching and learning strategies, including formative learning diagnosis and summative learning evaluations (assessments). This includes experiential education research, group learning, and online learning. It includes assistive teaching technology (educational technology and ICT) and the role of the learning or living-lab environment such as the Reggio Emilia qualities of the Technology and Design learning environment.

3. Epistemology Research in Technology Education

  • Research on the phenomenology of technology, the form of our field of knowledge: sub-disciplines otherwise known as technacy genres such as digital technology, the technological sciences such as fields of engineering, wood technology, food technology, textiles technology or ceramics technology and so on.
  • Contexts of technologies such as Indigenous Technologies, habitat and technology research, technology choice and climate science education, Technologies and society research, and so Technologies education and (any other field).

4. Technologies Teacher Education and Professional Development

  • Research and scholarship relating to undergraduate, pathways, graduate and postgraduate education of Technologies teachers. It includes, but is not limited to, topics such as improving effective strategies for preparing pre-service and in-service teachers to teach design and digital technologies, STEM and Innovation capabilities. The technology teacher education foci and practices of different institutions, and theoretical and epistemological issues surrounding technologies teacher education may also be included.

5. Comparative Research in Technology Education

  • Cross-cultural Technology Education Research, Technology and culture research, gender and technology education research.

6. Historical, Theoretical, Ethical and Philosophical Research in Technology Education

  • What ought we be teaching, learning and valuing? How ought we understand our history and use it to build a long evolving arch for the depth of our field of learning?

7. Institutional, Political, Policy and Economic Research in Technology Education

  • Trends in technology education (teachers, students, academics), institutional perceptions, the economics of technology education. Technology education in national policies and its rhetoric (discourse analysis).



Author Guidelines


Author Guidelines:

  • All papers are to be upload in a de-identifying word.doc(x) file format.
  • All images and tables in papers are to be uploaded in optimised quality for print.  Authors may be asked to re-upload better images: see image guidelines below.
  • All papers are to show an attempt to cite prior DATTArc papers in the archives of this website to strengthen their paper argument.
  • All papers are to include APA 7th citation style.
  • Plagiarism is strictly unacceptable and may lead to being exposed by the Chair of the Review Board for DATTArc, and not permitted to present.
All full scholarly papers will have:
  • Authors using the DATTArc template (recommended)
  • 4000-5000 words exclusing Reference List and Abstract.
  • A title (less than 10 words)
  • Abstract: 150-300 words
  • Keywords up to 6
  • Body Text introducing the research or critical discourse using sub-headings
  • Conclusion
  • Reference list
  • Word.doc(x) file format only, unlocked, de-identified
  • Font = Times Roman; Size = 12 points
  • Line spacing = single;
  • Double-line spacing between paragraphs
  • Text alignments = justified (left and right)
  • Abstract: <300 words, justified, single column, followed by Keywrds, and section break same page.
  • Column width (2 Columns), each =7.38 cm wide

Guide to table and image sizes for update edits

  • Image file type = *.png or *.jpeg
  • WITHIN a single column the maximum width is 7.38 cm wide (128 to 300dpi).
  • ACROSS the two columns the maximum width is 16.01 cm wide (128 to 300dpi)
  • DOWN the page depth cannot exceed 23cm to allow space for the image/table caption under it.


Submissions for this conference were closed on 2022-12-01.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.