
Some accommodation search engines to consider

The closest accomodation areas to the Venue (Southern Cross University, Gold Coast campus, Bilinga) is our recommended central location to search for accommodation.   We suggest you explore sites for the area, and offer popular search sites below with no prejudice, to help you find what you seek. Many delegates are arriving the weekend before and or leaving a week after the conference dates for personal liesure and recreation.

Nominated Hotel (Dinner venue) is the new Rydges Gold Coast

  • Accommodation can be booked directly with the hotel by PH: +61 7 5619 8198 or email: Please let them know you are attending a conference at SCU, and you will be given the discounted rate.

The following Accommodation Search Sites may also assist delegates.  Be sure to seek accommodation close to the venue being The Gold Coast Airport, Queensland, Australia - NOTE Conf dates are 7-10 Dec 2022.


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