
Conference Schedule

07:55 AM - 08:00 AM DOWNLOAD DATTA Victoria Teacher Workshop Program 6th-8th Dec 2018

Undertaken in parallel to the DATTArc (Research Conference Oral Presentations) is the DATTA Victoria School Teacher Hands-on Workshops and Professional Development Program mostly delivered in the Swinburne Senior Secondary College next door.

Updated 13 Nov 2018.

Download the DATTA Vic Teacher Program HERE

08:30 AM - 03:00 PM WED 5th: Exhibitors Set-up: Industry Exhibitors set up in ATC 101
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM WED 5th: Pre-Conference Research Paper Delegate Briefing: AMDC Sky Lounge - Open area on level 3. and AMDC 301
  • Refreshments
  • Early Registration Desk
  • how to MC a session briefing
08:00 AM - 08:45 AM CONFERENCE STARTS - THUR 6th: Registration and Trade Exhibition

Gather at the ATC Foyer Ground floor to register and see the Trade Exhibit in ATC 101, and Morning Coffee in ATC 103 Common Room

08:45 AM - 09:00 AM THUR 6th: Welcome to Country

Wurundjeri Land Council Elder – Uncle Dave Wandinwill will welcome delegates to country.

09:00 AM - 09:10 AM THUR 6th: Welcome by PVC Prof. Hung Nguyen, Swinburne University of Technology: ROOM: AMDC301 Professor Hung Nguyen, Pro Vice Chancellor, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology will welcome delegates to Swinburne and open the DATTArc conference.
09:10 AM - 09:15 AM THUR 6th: Introduction, Conf. MC Prof. P John Williams: Prof. P John Wililams, Chair of the Academic Review Board of DATTArc, will MC the conference, and advise any housing keeping update.
09:15 AM - 10:00 AM Eva Hartell, Assuring a future for design and technology by embedding classroom formative assessment
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC301 Theatre
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Kurt Seemann, Applied Design Led Innovation: Why D&T is the only subject that can deliver
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC301 Theatre
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM THUR 6th: MORNING TEA - TRADE EXHIBIT: Ground Floor ATC 103, and ATC 101 for Trade Exhibit
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Masanao Satou, Toshikazu Yamamoto, Development of hydroponics teaching tools for root vegetables
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC502 Learning Themes
  Roderick Walden, Ilpo Koskinen, Academic Design: Towards a definition in a product design context
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC506 Challenging Themes
  Jun Moriyama, How expert technology teachers try to promote students’ creativities? : From the results of semi structured interviews
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC505 Profession Themes
12:05 PM - 12:55 PM Deborah Lee Trevallion, Progressing the professional identity of pre service Technology Education students.
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC505 Profession Themes
  Toshiki Matsuda, Fumiya Kanai, Gaming Materials to Promote Substantial Understanding of Technology: Interrelationship among Designs, Characteristics, and Social Influences of Systems
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC501 STEM Theme
  Brad Walmsley, Problem-based learning in Design and Technology
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC502 Learning Themes
  Deborah Louise Cameron, Anton Oskar Nemme, In support of authentic research practice in design education
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC506 Challenging Themes
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM THUR 6th: LUNCH - TRADE EXHIBIT: Ground Floor ATC 103, and ATC 101 for Trade Exhibit
01:25 PM - 01:55 PM THUR 6th: LUNCH - TOUR of Factory of the Future (FoF)

A once in a lifetime 30min Tour (bring your lunch) will be held for up to 20 people to be taken thorugh the Swinburne:

To request a Tour Ticket, REGISTER HERE. First 20-25 are taken! Be quick.

02:05 PM - 02:55 PM David Ellis, Identifying and defining the activities that are maker education: An international view
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC506 Challenging Themes
  Ayaka Murakami, Toshikazu Yamamoto, Takenori Motomura, Jun Moriyama, Masakatsu Kuroda, Practice and Evaluation of STEM Education through Elementary School Programming Learning
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC501 STEM Theme
  Denise MacGregor, Bruce White, Debora Panizzon, Derek Rogers, Critical Questions, Creative Solutions How can Initial Teacher Education programs better prepare graduates to understand and teach STEM
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC505 Profession Themes
  Milorad Cerovac, Therese Keane, Kurt Seemann, Systems Engineering: Identification and fostering of inferential and social skills
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC502 Learning Themes
03:05 PM - 03:55 PM Andrew Doyle, Niall Seery, Lena Gumaelius, Defining a curriculum through activity: Facilitating epistemic autonomy in technology education
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC506 Challenging Themes
  Kento TSUTSUMI, Shuhei BAN, Chikahiko YATA, Development and practice of technology education classes based on products disassembly under the conditions of Japanese Course of Study
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC502 Learning Themes
  Kimihito Takeno, Toshikazu Yamamoto, Kouhei Suzuki, a Lesson to think about the actual state of energy supply in Japan and future energy use on our living
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC501 STEM Theme
  Esther Wilkes Hill, Therese Keane, Kurt Seemann, Pedagogies and practices for developing innovation capability: Beyond the AITSL standards
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC505 Profession Themes
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM THU 6th: Combined PLENARY - AMDC 301 Theatre

MC Prof. Williams

The combined general plenary for teachers of DATTA and the DATTArc researchers is to recap the day, and open discussions of points of interest before heading for Dinner and day 2.

06:00 PM - 09:30 PM THUR 6th: Conference Dinner (Limited Seats)

Dinner Venue (Zelman Room Up-stairs)

Hawthorn Arts Centre

360 Burwood Road, Hawthorn

Dinner Presenter: Prof. David Spendlove, Manchester Univeristy.

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM FRI 7th: Registration and Trade Exhibition ATC101: Gather at the ATC Foyer Ground floor to register and see the Trade Exhibit in ATC 101, and Morning Coffee in ATC 103 Common Room
09:00 AM - 09:15 AM FRI 7th: Welcome from DATTA Victoria President - Ms Jill Livett: AMDC 301 Theatre
09:15 AM - 09:25 AM FRI 7th: Welcome, Swinburne Senior Secondary College, Principal Michael O'Brien: AMDC 301
09:25 AM - 09:30 AM FRI 7th: Introduction by Conference MC Prof. P John Williams: AMDC 301 Theatre
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM Maddison Miller, Always Was, Always Will Be – Aboriginal Knowledge and STEM
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC301 Theatre
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM FRI 7th: MORNING TEA - TRADE EXHIBIT: Ground Floor ATC 103, and ATC 101 for Trade Exhibit
11:05 AM - 12:05 PM FRI 7th: Publishing Workshop with Springer Executive Ed. – Nick Melchior


An inviation to all DATTArc Researchers seeking to progress their publication outputs, please gather at this mini-plenery event.

Host. Prof. P John Williams

Springer Executive Editor for education research Mr Nick Melchior will run through some key issues to keep in mind when publishing in books and journals. Nick will look at the peer review process, choosing between books and journals and other key aspects of modern scholarly publishing.

This event includes an invitation to carry on discussions with Nick this Friday 7th after the conference Off Campus - TBA.

12:05 PM - 12:55 PM Yuji Kudo, Toshikazu Yamamoto, Takenori Motomura, Jun Moriyama, Kazuhiro Sumi, Seiya Takishima, A proposal for learning of programming focused on IoT
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC505 Profession Themes
  Angela Turner, Leanne Cameron, From the Living World to Digital Technologies: Programming food and fibre learning experiences for children and young people
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC501 STEM Theme
  Nigel Bruce Goodwin, Team Designing: A case study in conformity and rationalisation
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC502 Learning Themes
  Larry Spry, A change in Course
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC506 Challenging Themes
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM FRI 7th: LUNCH - TRADE EXHIBIT: Ground Floor ATC 103, and ATC 101 for Trade Exhibit
01:25 PM - 01:55 PM FRI 7th: LUNCH - TOUR of Factory of the Future (FoF)

Two rare in a lifetime 30min Tours (bring your lunch) will be held for up to 20 people to be taken thorugh the Swinburne on Thursday 6th Dec,  and Friday 7th Dec over lunch:

To request a Tour Ticket, REGISTER HERE. First 20-25 are taken! Be quick.

02:05 PM - 02:55 PM Norihiro MUKAIDA, Chikahiko YATA, Lesson Development with "Dyson Engineering Box" as a Global Teaching Material under Japanese Technology Education
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC501 STEM Theme
  Ryoichi Oguma, Toshikazu Yamamoto, A Fact-finding Survey on Student's Information Morals and Security at the Time of Graduation from Junior High School
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC502 Learning Themes
  Polokano Sekonopo, Barriers to commercialization of Botswana’s Design and Technology output
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC506 Challenging Themes
  Lincoln Gill, Preparing the next generation of technology and design teachers
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC505 Profession Themes


Reader, Steve Keirl, will raise observations and points of discussion with the research community to consider key issues in the Conference to date.  This is an essential professional event, and we urge all researchers to participate.

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM FRI 7th: PLENARY: AMDC 301: Open forum to discuss academic and teaching practice issues
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM FRI 7th: BETWEEN TWO WORLDS

NGV: Evening optional event in City

National Gallery of Victoria.  Escher X Nendo


09:15 AM - 09:30 AM SAT 8th: Introduction by Conference MC Prof. P John Williams: AMDC 301
09:30 AM - 10:00 AM Leyla Acaroglu, Designing Change - A Streamed Video Presentation
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC301 Theatre
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Peter Murphy, The Future of Design and Technology Education
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC301 Theatre
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM SAT 8th: MORNING TEA - TRADE EXHIBIT: Ground Floor ATC 103, and ATC 101 for Trade Exhibit
11:05 AM - 11:55 AM Stefan Lie, Learning Strategies to Support Design for Emerging Manufacturing Methods
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC501 STEM Theme
  Larry Spry, Connecting with Regional members
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC502 Learning Themes
  Belinda von Mengersen, Creativity in Design and Technologies education: preservice teachers’ perspectives
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC506 Challenging Themes
  Steve Keirl, Design and Technology Education for, through, about and against design – valuing 4-D approaches.
Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC505 Profession Themes


Reader Steve Keirl will lead discussions to engage researchers in the wrap up of key issues for the field of Design and Technology Education.

This finale event may set the research agenda for many in the academy.


01:00 PM - 02:00 PM SAT 8th: LUNCH - TRADE EXHIBIT: Ground Floor ATC 103, and ATC 101 for Trade Exhibit
02:45 PM - 06:00 PM SAT 8th: DATTA Australia AGM: ROOM: AMDC 506 Meeting Room refreshments planned
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM SAT 8th: PLENARY AND CLOSE: ATC103

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