Information For Authors



Scholarly Papers in this section are typically 4000-7000 words, and double-blind peer reviewed (including citations and reference list).  This is a full academic paper, to be written in a scholarly research style and tone.

Reviews will consider the following Paper features:

  • Topic:  is the Paper’s topic within sufficiently relatable to the field of Design and Technology Education?
  • Structure and Argument:
  • Title (no more than 10 words)
  • (Author(s), Affiliation(s)) -removed initially- for blind review.
  • Abstract, 200-250 words.
  • Sections are given headings related to:
    • Overview/problem statement: to include prior research and the assertion/proposition being claimed in the paper.
    • Body Argument: Includes relevant citations, 
      • APA6th style and end of paper reference list.
      • Theoretical Framework/Methodology/Methods used and defended
      • Footnotes permitted sparingly and short.
    • Evidence: If based on either or both of the following:
      • Empirical data collected or analysis of data the papers contains Results/Data Tables, Images, Graphs that are clear, in Black and White only, Images in greyscale, with assign titles of images, tables, graphs. Example; Figure 1: …; Table 1:….; Graph 1: …; or Image 1: ….
      • Critical Reflection: presents an analysis of experience by exploring social, political, educational, policy, and cultural contexts and exposing the assumptions that appear to dictate responses/outcomes
    • Conclusions: brief re-assertion of the paper’s claim(s), and areas for further research
    • List of Reference used (APA 7th)

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