Open Conference Systems, 11th DATTArc-ICTE-TENZ-ITEEA 2022

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Social Emotional Learning and its framework for Technology Education
Virginia Ruth Jones

Last modified: 2022-06-27


Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a key construct for engagement in early technology education learning. The social-affective neuroscience study of the brain supports that the DMN (default mode network) which is key to engagement concerning task orientation such as persistence in classroom exercises as well as providing a personal relevance for the learner. This network supports technology education where students experience hands-on learning with a focus on reflections on personal learning, relevance to their circumstances, and achievement (Immordino-Yang, 2016). Prioritizing this network while learners are developing requires an investment in early educational learning specifically technology education to address and contribute to their SEL development for future learning and success. Research showed that 67% of the abilities needed for successful STEM and technology education learning is based on the learners’ emotional quotient (SEL). This study presents research and activities to bolster SEL in classrooms and in students. The focus areas for increasing SEL are 1) teaching empathy (ethics), 2) creativity, 3) developing problem solving (design or systems thinking), 4) building character, 5) collaboration (seeking opinion), and 6) using humor (optimism). These skills are promulgated by the Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL) in their Practices for employing technology education successfully in different contexts (ITEEA, 2020). Engagement of all learners requires an emotional connection to the content and brain research supports emotions are consistent across all cultures supporting the need for educators to encourage SEL learning as a methodology to provide the learners content that reflects their lived experiences.


References:  Immordino-Yang (2016, June 29). Emotion, sociality, and the brain’s default mode network: Insights for educational practice and policy. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, (3) 2, 211-219.


International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. (2020). Standards for technological and engineering literacy: The role of technology and engineering in STEM education.


learner development; SEL; early years; primary; pedagogy

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