Open Conference Systems, 10th DATTArc, 2018

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How expert technology teachers try to promote students’ creativities? : From the results of semi structured interviews
Jun Moriyama

Building: Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre
Room: AMDC505 Profession Themes
Date: 2018-12-06 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Last modified: 2019-01-28


The purpose of this research is to extract the essence of expert technology teachers’ strategies for promoting students creativity. We carried out semi structured interview to 5 expert technology teachers in Japan, and asked about strategies and intentions of their instruction for promoting students’ creativities. As a result, 32 categories were exracted that could be devided into 4 categories, such as intentions for teaching, lesson planning, implementation, and evaluation. For example,  “importance of collaboration”,”relation with intellectual property”, “consideration about constraint of curriculum” , “supporting student’s expression of his/her ideas”, and so on were included in these categories.


technology teachers; creativity; semi structured interviews ; teaching strategy

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