Building: BUILDING C
Room: Keynote Theatre C105 ◉
Date: 2022-12-09 09:50 AM – 10:40 AM
Last modified: 2022-11-21
From ancient Greece to Usain Bolt – few events conjure excitement like a 100-meter foot race. However, if our obsession with competition bleeds into the classroom, we may inadvertently limit the abilities of our students. In traditional classroom settings the assessment of student work represents the end of student learning; students turn in their work, teachers grade it, and everyone moves on. This “race to the finish line” approach to learning may work for some but, what if we completely rethought the way things were done? What if the athletes who ran the 100-meter dash had a chance to run it a second or third time after seeing what their competition was like? What if they could try the course out, check the conditions, evaluate their fellow competitors, and even race one time before they must compete? It’s time to turn the traditional design process on its’ head and make assessment a learning activity rather than a signal that learning is over.