Open Conference Systems, 11th DATTArc-ICTE-TENZ-ITEEA 2022

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Keynote and Welcome Address
Amy Cutter-MacKenzie-Knowles

Building: BUILDING C
Room: Keynote Theatre C105 ◉
Date: 2022-12-08 09:10 AM – 10:00 AM
Last modified: 2022-11-21


AMY CUTTER-MACKENZIE-KNOWLES is a Professor of Sustainability, Environment and Education at Southern Cross University.  She is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education, as well as the Research Leader of the ‘Sustainability, Environment and the Arts in Education’ (SEAE) Research Cluster. Amy’s research centres on climate change, childhoodnature, posthuman philosophy, and child-framed research methodologies. She is particularly focussed on the pivot points between environmental education, science, philosophy, and the Arts. Amy has been recognised for both her teaching and research excellence in environmental education, including the Australian Association for Environmental Education Fellowship (Life Achievement Award) for her outstanding contribution to environmental education research.

Conference registration is required in order to view papers.